There could be a discrepancy on the app’s total using the DateFilter when compared to the spreadsheet datasource using filters or Query statement.
It appears that when a specific (single) date is selected, no results will be displayed. Unless the said specified (single) date is set as the minimum or maximum entry in the slider - then, it will show the correct result and count (frequency).
Instead of selecting a specific date (for example, 6/20/2017), the date slider should span two or more days (in this example: min. @ 6/18/2017, max. @ 6/21/12017).
info The date-slider's sensitivity and incremental step is dependent on the entries and range of your relevant date-column (for example, choosing 6/19/2017 won't work and choosing another earlier date is the only viable option).
If there are only a couple of entries, it's best to use the categoryFilter as this displays the correct count (frequency) of the associated items for the specified (single) date.