In this article you will learn how to use the People Directory add-on with cards directory and address book.
1. Start the People Directory add-on
You can now start this add-on from any spreadsheet by clicking Add-Ons > People Directory by Awesome Table > List users on domain.
2. List users from your domain
Click on List Domain Users to start running the add-on. Depending on the number of users in your domain, this can take anywhere between a few seconds to several minutes.
This will also create a trigger that will periodically update the list to keep track of accounts being created, modified or deleted.
3. Create your Awesome Table app
You can now create an Awesome Table app using the list of users that you have just created.
You will be prompted with two different templates: 'Cards Directory' or 'Address Book'. Click on one of the 'Create' buttons to create your app.
Once you have clicked on one of the buttons, press 'Open' to open your newly created app within the Awesome Table web app.
You’ve successfully learned how to use the People Directory add-on to create an interactive dynamic app listing your photo gallery and photo slideshow.