This is a generic warning indicating that there’s a syntax error on your Query statement. There may be several causes to this problem. This article explains further this issue.
info This article is only for Google users.
This error is thrown because the Query statement used may have:
• Missing and/or extra commas or duplicate columns (identifiers)
Solution: Simply add and/or remove commas or duplicate columns as needed.
• Incompatible column ranges in the datasource and in the Query field (Google users only)
Solution: Make sure that the column range matches.
• Column "BY" was used (Google users only)
Solution: Column or Identifier "BY" cannot be used since it is a reserved word. When using column "BY" in the Query field, it should be encased in back-quotes -`BY` to correctly use the pertinent column as an identifier. Click here to learn more about Google Query Language.
info Read our detailed tutorial on Queries to learn how to:
• View data coming only from selected columns.
• Reorder columns.
• Rename or relabel column headers.
• Show rows (records) based on specified criteria.
• Sort data.