This article explains how you can have your data deleted from Awesome Table’s database. As an Awesome Table user, you may request from us to remove your data either under your GDPR Right to be Forgotten (also called Right to Erasure) or because you no longer want to use Awesome Table.
What data is stored by Awesome Table?
For the core of its functionality, Awesome Table stores your account data which includes your email address and the metadata of your Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel 365 datasource. We store only the data that is necessary for Awesome Table to function in its entirety. Deleting some (or all) of these data will interrupt Awesome Table’s functionality.
Awesome Table, as a Data Processor (in GDPR terminology), only stores the minimum required data of its users (You - Data Controller and/or Data Subject). We never store the content of your Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel 365 datasource, except for the datasource’s title. As a matter of fact, your spreadsheet's data never passes through Awesome Table’s server (click here for more information).
Could we tell you more about my Right to be forgotten (Right to erasure)?
Article 17 GDPR provides that a User, as a Data Subject has the right to obtain from us, the Controller, the erasure of personal data concerning him/her.
If we revoke your access, will it automatically delete your data from Awesome Table?
No. Revoking your Awesome Table access (permissions or authorization scopes) is a completely separate process from deleting your data from our records. Refer to the section below on how to delete your data from our records.
At any point in time, you can review the permissions you have granted for Awesome Table:
Go to Google’s Sign-in & security > Apps with account access.
From there, you can opt to retain or revoke the permission:
What will happen if you ask for your data to be deleted from Awesome Table?
We store only the minimum required data that are necessary for Awesome Table to function. Deleting some (or all) of these data will interrupt Awesome Table’s functionality - preventing you from using the web app.
Can you delete your data from Awesome Table by yourself?
How can you have your data deleted from Awesome Table?
As long as your Awesome Table account is active, Awesome Gapps retains your data in accordance with our privacy policy. Upon deletion of your Awesome Table account, Awesome Gapps may archive your data only for a specified period of time in accordance with our internal data retention policy, and in any case no longer than legally permitted.
To request all your data to be deleted following deletion of your Awesome Table account, submit your request via our contact form and write 'Data Deletion request' as the subject line.