Templates help display your data. But if your template requires rules to be applied to specific CSS selectors, using Conditional Display is the best approach for this.
There are many applications for this method. To maintain brevity & simplicity, we will only cover three useful examples.
1. Display element B if element A is empty
In this example, we have a table app displaying student information. Some have grades, and some don't. We want to show "No grades yet" when necessary.
HTML template:
<p> {{Job}}</p>
<div class="grades_container">
<p>Grades : </p>
<p class="grades">{{Grades}}</p>
<p class="no_grades">No grades yet</p>
CSS Style:
.grades:empty + .no_grades{
2. Display element B if element A's attribute is empty
In this example, we have a table app of team members. Some of them have profile photos while some don't. We need to customize the template so that it won't display a broken image when someone's {{photo}} column is empty - and instead display a generic avatar.
HTML template:
<img class="profilePicture" src='{{Picture}}'>
<img class="noProfilePicture" src="yourDefaultLinkPicture">
<p>{{Name}} - {{Job}}</p>
CSS Style:
.profilePicture[src=""] {
display: none;
.profilePicture[src=""]:empty + .noProfilePicture{
display: block;
With this code, we keep a default image hidden with 'display:none;' and we hide this image and display the default one if the src of profilePicture is empty.
3. Display and style elements depending on their value
In this example, we will create a conditional template that will display different content depending on the referenced-value of a {{marker}}. We will create a simple to-do list: the task can either have 'done', 'postponed' or 'to do' as its status. Tasks that are done will also display a completion date.
HTML template:
<div class="taskContainer">
<p data-status="{{Status}}" class="status"></p>
<p class="date">Done the : {{Done the}}</p>
CSS Style:
.status[data-status="postponed"]:after {
content : "This task was postponed.";
color : orange
.status[data-status="to do"]:after {
content : "This task still has to be done.";
color : blue
.status[data-status="done"]:after {
content : "This task is done ! ";
color : green
.date {
display : none
.status[data-status="done"] + .date {
display : block