Awesome Table provides an easy way to filter data in your app. If you have a lot of data in your spreadsheet, you can effortlessly search for entries using filters. Items can be filtered by categories, numbers, dates, strings and more!
Learn more about how to add filters to your spreadsheet.
1. StringFilter
Use StringFilter to filter columns containing an exact match.
Column type: Text
2. NumberRangeFilter
Use NumberRangeFilter to filter columns containing numbers.
Column type: Number
3. DateFilter
Use DateFilter to filter columns containing dates.
Column type: Date
4. CategoryFilter
Use CategoryFilter to filter columns containing values from a list in a dropdown menu. If you select several values, your app displays results that match both values.
Column type: Text
5. csvFilterAnd
Use csvFilterAnd to filter columns containing a list of comma-separated values (for example, a list of skills). If you select multiple values, the app shows results containing all the selected values.
Column type: Text
6. csvFilterOr
Use csvFilterOr to filter columns containing a list of comma-separated values (for example, a list of skills). If you select multiple values, the app shows all results having one or more of the values chosen.
Column type: Text
7. Dependency filters
You can extend the functionality of CategoryFilter, csvFilterAnd and csvFilterOr by adding dependency filters of the same type. Dependency filters show a subset of the values that match the parent filter.
Link the columns by adding the letter of the dependency column in brackets after the filter. The example below shows a dependency CategoryFilter.
Column type: Text
8. Filter captions
- customized text appears inside the filter field (in this example, "Choose a value")
- the filter caption is displayed above the filter field
This text will appear in all your filters of types CategoryFilter, csvFilterAnd and csvFilterOr.