Shows how much one variable is affected by another using coordinates based visualization. This chart requires two columns in the datasheet.
Column 1: String (text), Number or Date
Column 2: String (text), Number or Date
Columns 3, 4, 5, etc. (optional): String (text), Number or Date
Column 1 contains the X-axis values: in the second row, add the keyword ScatterChart and the values you want to display; in this example: ScatterChart(B,C).
Column 2 contains the values of Line 1: add the values you want Awesome Table to display on your chart.
Columns 3, 4, 5, etc. (optional) contain the values of Lines 2, 3, 4, etc. You can add a third column, or more, in your spreadsheet to display several series of data on your chart.
You can use this keyword in the Charts app.
Learn more about ScatterChart.